A space to learn and be heard.


It's free to register and join. Once you do, we'll add you to our Slack community, where you will get exclusive first access to ticket sales for our monthly share sessions.

At Therapy For Designers, we invite designers from all walks of life, all over the world, to come together.

We run monthly 2 hour sessions in person, expressing our work challenges, sharing insights and reflecting on experiences as a group, developing stronger self awareness and strengthening capabilities.

Together, we forge a supportive sense of belonging through shared understanding.

Our principles

Share and listen

We invite designers to be open about their fears, challenges, and experiences providing a safe space to be heard and understood.

Foster growth mindsets

We nurture development through leaning into vulnerability, collaborative problem-solving and sharing insights.

Cultivate leadership skills

We empower designers with leadership capabilities by building confidence and expertise through learning from others.

What will you leave with?

  • Insights, advice and a shared understanding

  • Membership to a like-minded design community

  • 1:1 mentorship support from experienced design leaders

  • Industry connections to help shape your network

  • New friends and a full belly!


We provide a comfortable and casual space where designers can feel welcome and at ease, avoiding the formalities of a work environment. This fosters a sense of openness, safety and community allowing for genuine human connection.


Our sessions are always centred around sharing good quality food together. We are driven to partner with social enterprises to ensure we support other businesses with purpose making meaningful change.


We welcome all designers in any stage of their career who have a genuine desire to learn and contribute to the community.

“Therapy For Designers sessions have given me and quite a few others perspective and the vital reassurance that ‘It's not just me’.”

— Product Designer, Melbourne

Driven by design leaders giving back to the community

Simone Attanasio

Melbourne Chapter Lead


Ashley Ling

Melbourne Chapter Lead


Vinita Israni

Sydney Chapter Lead


Our partners